Graduate Training Programme
Small Business Awards

Issue 1 2004

Business Purchase OR Establishment

Do You Meet The Following Requirements?

For Individuals

  1. Are you at least 21-years-old, a Fiji Resident &
  2. Belong to ONE of the following groups:
    • A Fijian registered in the Vola ni Kawa Bula?
    • A Rotuman registered in the Rotuman Birth Register?
    • A General Elector registered in the General Electors Electoral Roll and are of Melanesian or Polynesian or Micronesian origin?

For A Company, Partnership Or Cooperative,
Is the business 100% owned by people who fulfil the Requirements 1 & 2 above?

Client Type Loan Amount(F$) Equity(in cash)
Individuals,Partnerships Cooperatives Up to $0.5m 20% of Total Project Cost
Above $0.5m 35% of TPC
Tikina, Provincial Councils Up to $1m 20% of TPC
Above $1m 35% of TPC
Client Type Loan Amount (F$) Interest Rate
Individuals, Partnerships or Cooperatives First $0.5m 8% p.a
Above $0.5m 13.5% p.a
Tikina, Provincial Councils First $1m 8% p.a
Above $1m 13.5% p.a
Project Type Maximum Term
Establishment/Construction 20 years
Purchase 15 years
Security Required
(to adequately cover loan amount and may include)
  • Mortgage
  • Debentures
  • Joint & Several Guarantees made by Shareholders and Directors of the Company
  • Bill of Sale

Documents To Be Provided When Lodging Your Application

  1. Copy of Building Plans and Specifications for Building Construction
  2. Construction Contract, an Executed Fixed Price Contract for work to be undertaken
  3. Sale of Purchase Agreement for business to be Purchased or Letter of OfferBusiness License from the Local/Rural Authority
  4. Business Plan
  5. Company Registration Certificate from Registrar of Companies
  6. VAT certificate for the previous 3 years from the Inland Revenue Department
  7. Right of Land /Building Use - Copy of Registered Title or current lease over land or Tenancy Agreement (term of lease must exceed loan term)
  8. Income & Expenditure and Cash Flow Statement projected for 3 years
  9. Financial Statement for latest 3 years (for established businesses)
  10. Details of Other Borrowings with confirmation
  11. Source & Evidence of Equity Contribution

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